November 26th Rock & Roll 45's Auction, page 1
Closes Tuesday, November 26th, 2024 at 7:00 pm PT
Rare and Classic 1950's, 1960's and 1970's Rock & Roll 45's!!
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My November 26, 2024 Rock & Roll 45's auction highlights
Printed (PDF) version of my November 26, 2024 Rock & Roll 45's auction
How to bid on my Monthly Auctions
Top Six Rock & Roll Rarities!
1. The Beefeaters "Please Let Me Love You / Don't Be Long" BOUNTY 45102 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO ULTRA RARE! The BYRDS' FIRST RECORD! NEVER, EVER seen it on this label!!! It does show up once in a while on ELEKTRA, but BOUNTY, which was part of ELECKTRA for just a couple of months, never turns up. I have heard that there are Less than five known copies! MB $2,000
2. Danny And The Juniors "At The Hop / Sometimes" SINGULAR S-711 M- With original "countdown" intro! This is the original TRUE FIRSTPRESSING on the ORIGINAL label before ABC-Paramount! And this is the cleanest copy I have ever seen in all my 50+ years. Normally, they show up VG+ at best. MB $500
3. Larry Hall "Sandy / Lovin' Tree" EVER GREEN 1001 M- FIRST LABEL, TRUE FIRSTPRESSING!!! Sticker says "NOT FOR SALE. DISCONTINUED ON EVER GREENONLY AVAILABLE ON HOT." HOT was the second press, then Strand where it became a BIG hit with the Teen market. This copy does not include the EVER GREEN Picture Sleeve, of which there are about five known copies. MB $350
4. Morgus With The Daringers "Werewolf / The Morgus Creep" FULTON 2458 VG/M- Drill hole in label but PICTURE SLEEVE is just gorgeous! Nearly impossible to find this one! MB $300
5. Bob Dylan "Subterranean Homesick Blues / She Belongs To Me" COLUMBIA 43242 VG+/VG+ Insanely rare PROMO ONLY PICTURE SLEEVE with WHITE LABEL PROMO recordNICE copy of record and sleeve only has minor evidence of handling. MB $500

6. Bob Dylan "Blowin' In The Wind / Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" COLUMBIA JZSP-75606 VG/VG+ Another super DYLAN RARITY! WHITE LABEL PROMO with SPECIAL PROMO ONLY SLEEVE! Decent copy with the sleeve being a bit cleaner than the record. MB $500