My March 18, 2025 auction: Motown 45's (and Motown's ONLY 78!)!

Michael Kasino documentary on John Tefteller: The Sherlock Of Shellac

New York Times
article on
John Tefteller

John buys the World's Rarest 45 rpm record!!

John buys the World's Rarest 78 rpm record!!

John finds another "lost" Paramount 78 rpm record!!

My eBay page

John Tefteller's 2020 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!
My Museum-Quality Pre-War Blues 78's. TRULY the Rarest Records on Earth!

My Museum-Quality Pre-War Blues 78 Sleeves, Colored 78's and Museum-Quality 45's.

My Record-Grading Policies

How to bid on my auctions

To email me

My phone, fax and address

I want to BUY your rare records!!

John Tefteller's 2021 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!

John's 2023 Blues Calendar is STILL SHIPPING! This is OUR LAST CALENDAR!!

Volume 20! With a FREE CD, Restored using the FANTASTIC method heard in American Epic!


Plus the Newly Discovered Edith North Johnson Paramount!


With songs from Funny Paper Smith, Irene Scruggs, Ma Rainey, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake and MORE!

John Tefteller's 2019 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!
Frog Records: The Very Best Vintage Jazz & Blues Remastered To CD's


GRADING: Very strict! Records are graded first, followed by cover/sleeve if applicable.

ORIGINAL ISSUE: All records are guaranteed originals and/or guaranteed as described. If not satisfied for any reason, return for a full refund including your return postage.

BIDDING: All records have a minimum bid. You may bid the minimum and win IF no other bids are received. Most of the records will sell at a price well above the minimum bid, so you may wish to bid competitively. You may find out the current high bid on any item by phone only. If you choose to bid on any item after finding out the current high bid, you must raise the current high bid by 10% or more or pass on the item. To place bids on records: 

Phone: (800) 955–1326 (Toll free, USA only) or (541) 476–1326
Fax: (541) 476–3523
Write: P.O. Box 1727, Grants Pass, OR 97528 USA
Text: (541) 659–7175

CALL BACKS: On the last day of the auction, a bidder may choose to “go to war” with other bidders over a particular record(s). If you wish to engage in such a “bidding war,” you must notify me before closing time of the auction. Tell me which record(s) you wish to “battle over.” You must be available for a CALLBACK between 7 and 9 PM Pacific Time on closing day. 

I will then contact you to give you the opportunity to “duke it out” over the records you want most either until you are “declared the winner” or until you are “knocked out of the ring.” If you cannot be reached, the bidding will continue without you. 

With the exception of CALLBACKS (as defined above), I will not disclose the winning bids until 24 hours after the close of the auction. I will not disclose the identities of any bidders or winners. No exceptions.

PAYMENT: Winners will receive an invoice listing records won. Shipping and insurance charges will be added to all winnings.

You can purchase a printout of the winning bids for all items in the auction for an additional $2.00.

U.S. residents may pay by Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover Card (all major credit cards welcome), or by money order, personal or bank check or by PayPal. You may also send cash at your own risk via registered mail. 

Those outside the U.S.A. must pay in U.S. DOLLARS by Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover Card (all major credit cards welcome) or by International Money Order or check drawn on U.S. bank (with proper routing numbers only) or by PayPal. You may also send U.S. currency via registered mail at your own risk. 

You must pay for the records you’ve won within 30 days. Exceptions may be made for orders over $5,000 at my sole discretion. If you need more than 30 days to pay for your winnings, please pay for them with your credit card.

Good Luck!