Closes Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 7 pm PT
Original 1950's and 1960's Surf, Hot Rod & Rockin' Instro 45's
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Printed (PDF) version of my February 24th auction
How to bid on my Monthly Auctions
Original 1950's & '60's Surf, Hot Rod & Rockin' Instro 45's:
97. Dick Dale And The Del-Tones "Let's Go Trippin'/Del-Tone Rock" DELTONE 5017 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol and #ol MB $25
98. Dick Dale And The Del-Tones "Miserlou/Eight Until Midnight" DELTONE 5019 MINT CLASSIC MB $25
99. Dick Dale And His Del-Tones "Peppermint Man/Surf Beat" DELTONE 5020 M- Distributor's sticker on the label MB $20
100. Dick Dale "Lovin' On My Brain/A Run For Life" DELTONE 5028 MINT RARE ONE MB $50
101. Dick Dale And Francine York "Enlistment Twist/Dream Girl Waltz" The United States Army 1302 VG/VG+ WITH PICTURE SLEEVE and pressed in BLUE VINYL MB $20
102. Dick Dale "Night Rider/The Wedge" CAPITOL 5098 M- MB $20
103. Dick Dale And His Del-Tones "Let's Go Trippin' 65/Watusi Joe" CAPITOL 5389 VG+ Small wol MB $10
104. Danny And The Zeltones "Steel Guitar Rag/Kansas City" BIG TOP 3074 VG WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $5
105. The Dartells "Hot Pastrami/Dartell Stomp" ARLEN 509 M- RED VINYL MB $50
106. Dave And The Orbits "Cheetas Uncle/Chili-Beans" AMERICAN ARTS 14 M- PROMO COPY, xol on B-side MB $20
107. D. D. T. And The Repellents "The Fly Swatter/Bee Side" RCA VICTOR 8064 M- MB $20
108. The Debonairs "Sidewinder/Allergy" TROJAN 0001 VG MB $20
109. Ricky Dee & The Embers "Work Out (Part 1)/(Part 2)" NEWTOWN 5001 M- MB $20
110. The Del-Vetts "Ram Charger/Little Latin Lupe Lu" SEEBURG DISCOTEK 3018 VG #ol MB $5
111. The Denels "Massacre Stomp/Here Comes The Ho-Dads" BAMBOO 517 VG+ MB $20
112. Martin Denny "Quiet Village/Llama Serenade" LIBERTY 55162 VG+ CLASSIC MB $5
113. D. H. And The Down Beats "Bus Ride/Daddy Frog" ROYAAL 1004 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
114. The Dixie Fliers "Dynamo/Nail It" GUYDEN 2055 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
115. Jimmy Dobro "Swamp Surfer/Everybody Listen To The Dobro" PHILLIPS 40137 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
116. Lon DoBro Combo "Undercurrent/Mid-Night Surf" JUKE 1003 VG RARE MB $25
117. Andy Doll "Yankee Rouser/Boogie Walk" AD PRESENTS NO # VG+ MB $20
118. The Drag Kings "Nitro/Bearing Burners" UNITED ARTISTS 676 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with Distributor's stamp on the label MB $20
119. The Duals "Stick Shift/Cruising" SUE 745 M- CLASSIC MB $20
120. The Dudes "Jingle Bells/Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" SUE 723 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with small stain on the A-side label MB $10
121. Ed And The Twilighters "Cobknocker/Skippin' Home" FUTURA NO # M- MB $20
122. Duane Eddy "Ramrod/The Walker" JAMIE 1109 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO and very RARE as a Promo MB $25
123. Duane Eddy "Cannonball/Mason-Dixon Lion" JAMIE 1111 VG+ With slight center hole damage MB $5
124. Duane Eddy "Forty Miles Of Bad Road/The Quiet Three" JAMIE 1126 MINT MB $20
125. Duane Eddy "Some Kind-A Earthquake/First Love, First Tears" JAMIE 1130 M- PROMO COPY MB $20
126. Duane Eddy "Lost Island/Bonnie Come Back" JAMIE 1144 VG+ MB $5
127. Duane Eddy "Kommotion/Theme For Moon Children" JAMIE 1163 M- MB $20
128. Duane Eddy "The Avenger/London-derry Air" JAMIE 1206 MINT MB $20
129. Duane Eddy "The Battle/Trambone" JAMIE 1209 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
130. Duane Eddy "El Rancho Grande/Poppa's Movin' On" COLPIX 795 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
131. Duane Eddy "(Dance With The) Guitar Man/Stretchin' Out" RCA VICTOR 8087 M- MB $20
132. Duane Eddy "Boss Guitar/The Desert Rat" RCA VICTOR 8131 VG+ MB $5
133. Duane Eddy "Your Baby's Gone Surfin'/Shuckin' " RCA VICTOR 8214 VG+ MB $5
134. Duane Eddy "Moon Shot/Roughneck" RCA VICTOR 8507 VG WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $5
135. The Egyptians "Twin Spin/My Little Girl" CHANCE 100 M- RAREnot the CHANCE label from Chicago . . . this one is from Detroit MB $50
136. Preston Epps "Bongola/Blue Bongo" TOP RANK 2067 M- MB $20
137. Elliot Evans "Concerto For The X-15/SAME" REPRISE 20,039 M- PROMO COPY MB $20
138. The Fabulous Chancellors "Blackout/Diamond In The Sky" DOT 16535 M- MB $20
139. The Fabulous Continentals "Undertow/Return To Me" C B 5003 M- #ol MB $25
140. Felix And His Guitar "Chili Beans/Puerto Rican Riot" AUL 1000 M- MB $20
141. The Fireballs "Torquay/Cry Baby" TOP RANK 2008 M- MB $20
142. The Fireballs "Bulldog/Nearly Sunrise" TOP RANK 2026 M- MB $20
143. The Fireballs "Kissin'/Footpatter" TOP RANK 2038 M- Wol on B-side MB $20
144. The Fireballs "Yacky Doo/Rik-A-Tik" WARWICK 630 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol on B-side only MB $10
145. The Fireballs "Gunshot/Quite A Party" WARWICK 644 VG+ MB $5
146. The Fireballs "Torquay Two/Peg Leg" DOT 16493 M- Wol MB $20
147. The Fireballs "Baby, What's Wrong?/Yummie Yama Papa" DOT 16692 MINT MB $20
148. The Fireballs "Chicken Little/3 Minutes' Time" ATCO 6595 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
149. The Firesiders "Jump And Twist/Spring" STERLING 268 MINT RARE MB $50
150. The Five Blobs "The Blob/Saturday Night In Tijuana" COLUMBIA 41250 VG+ MB $5
151. The Five Finks "Boss/Crying Guitar" BERTRAM INTERNATIONAL 226 MINT MB $50
152. The Flakes "The Flake/One-Two-Three-Wail" NAME 7 M- MB $20
153. The Flamethrowers "The Knights Caper/Suzette" CLIX 7 M-/VG+ PLAYS PERFECT AND THIS IS A REALLY GREAT ONE! MB $200
154. Val E. Forge "Oh Susanna Rock/Paul Revere" STRAND 25022 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
155. The Fortune Tellers "Song Of The Nairobi Trio/Camel Train" MUSIC MAKERS 105 VG+ ERNIE KOVACKS MB $10
156. The Four Coachmen "Swamp Legend/Shalom" STELLAR 712 MINT MB $20
157. The Four Speeds "Four On The Floor/Cheater Slicks" CHALLENGE 9202 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO with small stamp on the label MB $30
158. The Frantics "Straight Flush/Young Blues" DOLTON 2 VG+ Xol MB $10
159. The Frantics "Werewolf/No Werewolf" DOLTON 16 VG+ Ring on A-side label MB $25
160. The Frantics "San Antonio Rose/Trees" DOLTON 33 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20
161. Freddy And Lonnie "Hot Doggin'/The Falcon" La Rae 501 M- MB $20
162. Alan Freed And His Rock 'N Roll Band "Rock 'N Roll Boogie/The Grey Bear" CORAL 61749 M- POWDER BLUE LABEL PROMO MB $20
163. The Frogmen "Underwater/Beware Below" SCOTT 102 M- FIRST LABEL, TRUE FIRST PRESSING before it went to CANDIX and became a nationwide hit MB $100
164. The Frogmen "Underwater/The Mad Rush" CANDIX 314 M- With different B-side than above!!! MB $20
165. The Fugitives "Freeway/Fugitive" ARVEE 5014 M- MB $20
166. The Gants "Road Runner/My Baby Don't Care" LIBERTY 55829 M- CREAM COLORED AUDITION RECORD, xol MB $20
167. The Gamblers "Moon Dawg!/LSD-25" WORLD PACIFIC 815 VG+ MB $30
168. Walter Gates "I Remember Papa/That's My Boy" SWAN 4160 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol MB $20
169. Walter Gates "My Man/Rose Of Washington Square" SWAN 4180 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $10
170. The Gaylords "Never Go Back To GA./Loose Beat" WAY OUT NO # VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol MB $10
171. Buddy Gibson And The Jesters "Meet The Beat/To Be Or Not To Be" SPRY 118 M- MB $20
172. The Gigolo's "Night Creature/Swingin' Saints" DAYNITE NO # M- MB $50
173. Jack Gilmer And The Playboys "Malarkey/You Don't Know" G.M.R. 100 M- MB $20