My November 22, 2022 Rock & Roll 45's Auction!

Son House's My Black Mama, Part I/Part II! A Pre-War Blues 78 CLASSIC!

My FINAL DeLuca Blues 78's Auction #5, closing December 13th, 2022!

New York Times
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John Tefteller

John buys the World's Rarest 45 rpm record!!

John buys the World's Rarest 78 rpm record!!

John finds another "lost" Paramount 78 rpm record!!

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John Tefteller's 2020 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!
My Museum-Quality Pre-War Blues 78's. TRULY the Rarest Records on Earth!

My Museum-Quality Pre-War Blues 78 Sleeves, Colored 78's and Museum-Quality 45's.

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I want to BUY your rare records!!

John Tefteller's 2021 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!

John's 2023 Blues Calendar is NOW SHIPPING! This is OUR LAST CALENDAR!!

Volume 20! With a FREE CD, Restored using the FANTASTIC method heard in American Epic!


Plus the Newly Discovered Edith North Johnson Paramount!


With songs from Funny Paper Smith, Irene Scruggs, Ma Rainey, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake and MORE!

Click here to buy John Tefteller's 2023 Blues Calendar with FREE CD!

John Tefteller's 2019 Blues Calendar is NOW shipping!
Frog Records: The Very Best Vintage Jazz & Blues Remastered To CD's

February 24th Auction page 3
Closes Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 7 pm PT

Original 1950's and 1960's Surf, Hot Rod & Rockin' Instro 45's

pg 1pg 2 • pg 3 • pg 4 pg 5 pg 6

Printed (PDF) version of my February 24th auction

How to bid on my Monthly Auctions

Original 1950's & '60's Surf, Hot Rod & Rockin' Instro 45's:

97. Dick Dale And The Del-Tones — "Let's Go Trippin'/Del-Tone Rock" DELTONE 5017 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol and #ol MB $25


98. Dick Dale And The Del-Tones — "Miserlou/Eight Until Midnight" DELTONE 5019 MINT CLASSIC MB $25


99. Dick Dale And His Del-Tones — "Peppermint Man/Surf Beat" DELTONE 5020 M- Distributor's sticker on the label MB $20

100. Dick Dale — "Lovin' On My Brain/A Run For Life" DELTONE 5028 MINT RARE ONE MB $50

101. Dick Dale And Francine York — "Enlistment Twist/Dream Girl Waltz" The United States Army 1302 VG/VG+ WITH PICTURE SLEEVE and pressed in BLUE VINYL MB $20


102. Dick Dale — "Night Rider/The Wedge" CAPITOL 5098 M- MB $20


103. Dick Dale And His Del-Tones — "Let's Go Trippin' 65/Watusi Joe" CAPITOL 5389 VG+ Small wol MB $10


104. Danny And The Zeltones — "Steel Guitar Rag/Kansas City" BIG TOP 3074 VG WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $5


105. The Dartells — "Hot Pastrami/Dartell Stomp" ARLEN 509 M- RED VINYL MB $50

106. Dave And The Orbits — "Cheetas Uncle/Chili-Beans" AMERICAN ARTS 14 M- PROMO COPY, xol on B-side MB $20


107. D. D. T. And The Repellents — "The Fly Swatter/Bee Side" RCA VICTOR 8064 M- MB $20


108. The Debonairs — "Sidewinder/Allergy" TROJAN 0001 VG MB $20


109. Ricky Dee & The Embers — "Work Out (Part 1)/(Part 2)" NEWTOWN 5001 M- MB $20


110. The Del-Vetts — "Ram Charger/Little Latin Lupe Lu" SEEBURG DISCOTEK 3018 VG #ol MB $5


111. The Denels — "Massacre Stomp/Here Comes The Ho-Dads" BAMBOO 517 VG+ MB $20


112. Martin Denny — "Quiet Village/Llama Serenade" LIBERTY 55162 VG+ CLASSIC MB $5


113. D. H. And The Down Beats — "Bus Ride/Daddy Frog" ROYAAL 1004 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


114. The Dixie Fliers — "Dynamo/Nail It" GUYDEN 2055 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


115. Jimmy Dobro — "Swamp Surfer/Everybody Listen To The Dobro" PHILLIPS 40137 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


116. Lon DoBro Combo — "Undercurrent/Mid-Night Surf" JUKE 1003 VG RARE MB $25


117. Andy Doll — "Yankee Rouser/Boogie Walk" AD PRESENTS NO # VG+ MB $20


118. The Drag Kings — "Nitro/Bearing Burners" UNITED ARTISTS 676 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with Distributor's stamp on the label MB $20


119. The Duals — "Stick Shift/Cruising" SUE 745 M- CLASSIC MB $20


120. The Dudes — "Jingle Bells/Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" SUE 723 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with small stain on the A-side label MB $10


121. Ed And The Twilighters — "Cobknocker/Skippin' Home" FUTURA NO # M- MB $20

122. Duane Eddy — "Ramrod/The Walker" JAMIE 1109 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO and very RARE as a Promo MB $25


123. Duane Eddy — "Cannonball/Mason-Dixon Lion" JAMIE 1111 VG+ With slight center hole damage MB $5


124. Duane Eddy — "Forty Miles Of Bad Road/The Quiet Three" JAMIE 1126 MINT MB $20


125. Duane Eddy — "Some Kind-A Earthquake/First Love, First Tears" JAMIE 1130 M- PROMO COPY MB $20


126. Duane Eddy — "Lost Island/Bonnie Come Back" JAMIE 1144 VG+ MB $5


127. Duane Eddy — "Kommotion/Theme For Moon Children" JAMIE 1163 M- MB $20


128. Duane Eddy — "The Avenger/London-derry Air" JAMIE 1206 MINT MB $20


129. Duane Eddy — "The Battle/Trambone" JAMIE 1209 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


130. Duane Eddy — "El Rancho Grande/Poppa's Movin' On" COLPIX 795 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


131. Duane Eddy — "(Dance With The) Guitar Man/Stretchin' Out" RCA VICTOR 8087 M- MB $20


132. Duane Eddy — "Boss Guitar/The Desert Rat" RCA VICTOR 8131 VG+ MB $5


133. Duane Eddy — "Your Baby's Gone Surfin'/Shuckin' " RCA VICTOR 8214 VG+ MB $5


134. Duane Eddy — "Moon Shot/Roughneck" RCA VICTOR 8507 VG WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $5

135. The Egyptians — "Twin Spin/My Little Girl" CHANCE 100 M- RARE—not the CHANCE label from Chicago . . . this one is from Detroit MB $50


136. Preston Epps — "Bongola/Blue Bongo" TOP RANK 2067 M- MB $20


137. Elliot Evans — "Concerto For The X-15/SAME" REPRISE 20,039 M- PROMO COPY MB $20


138. The Fabulous Chancellors — "Blackout/Diamond In The Sky" DOT 16535 M- MB $20


139. The Fabulous Continentals — "Undertow/Return To Me" C B 5003 M- #ol MB $25


140. Felix And His Guitar — "Chili Beans/Puerto Rican Riot" AUL 1000 M- MB $20


141. The Fireballs — "Torquay/Cry Baby" TOP RANK 2008 M- MB $20


142. The Fireballs — "Bulldog/Nearly Sunrise" TOP RANK 2026 M- MB $20


143. The Fireballs — "Kissin'/Footpatter" TOP RANK 2038 M- Wol on B-side MB $20


144. The Fireballs — "Yacky Doo/Rik-A-Tik" WARWICK 630 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol on B-side only MB $10


145. The Fireballs — "Gunshot/Quite A Party" WARWICK 644 VG+ MB $5


146. The Fireballs — "Torquay Two/Peg Leg" DOT 16493 M- Wol MB $20


147. The Fireballs — "Baby, What's Wrong?/Yummie Yama Papa" DOT 16692 MINT MB $20


148. The Fireballs — "Chicken Little/3 Minutes' Time" ATCO 6595 MINT WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20

149. The Firesiders — "Jump And Twist/Spring" STERLING 268 MINT RARE MB $50


150. The Five Blobs — "The Blob/Saturday Night In Tijuana" COLUMBIA 41250 VG+ MB $5


151. The Five Finks — "Boss/Crying Guitar" BERTRAM INTERNATIONAL 226 MINT MB $50


152. The Flakes — "The Flake/One-Two-Three-Wail" NAME 7 M- MB $20

153. The Flamethrowers — "The Knights Caper/Suzette" CLIX 7 M-/VG+ PLAYS PERFECT AND THIS IS A REALLY GREAT ONE! MB $200


154. Val E. Forge — "Oh Susanna Rock/Paul Revere" STRAND 25022 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


155. The Fortune Tellers — "Song Of The Nairobi Trio/Camel Train" MUSIC MAKERS 105 VG+ ERNIE KOVACKS MB $10


156. The Four Coachmen — "Swamp Legend/Shalom" STELLAR 712 MINT MB $20

157. The Four Speeds — "Four On The Floor/Cheater Slicks" CHALLENGE 9202 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO with small stamp on the label MB $30


158. The Frantics — "Straight Flush/Young Blues" DOLTON 2 VG+ Xol MB $10

159. The Frantics — "Werewolf/No Werewolf" DOLTON 16 VG+ Ring on A-side label MB $25


160. The Frantics — "San Antonio Rose/Trees" DOLTON 33 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $20


161. Freddy And Lonnie — "Hot Doggin'/The Falcon" La Rae 501 M- MB $20


162. Alan Freed And His Rock 'N Roll Band — "Rock 'N Roll Boogie/The Grey Bear" CORAL 61749 M- POWDER BLUE LABEL PROMO MB $20

163. The Frogmen — "Underwater/Beware Below" SCOTT 102 M- FIRST LABEL, TRUE FIRST PRESSING before it went to CANDIX and became a nationwide hit MB $100


164. The Frogmen — "Underwater/The Mad Rush" CANDIX 314 M- With different B-side than above!!! MB $20


165. The Fugitives — "Freeway/Fugitive" ARVEE 5014 M- MB $20


166. The Gants — "Road Runner/My Baby Don't Care" LIBERTY 55829 M- CREAM COLORED AUDITION RECORD, xol MB $20

167. The Gamblers — "Moon Dawg!/LSD-25" WORLD PACIFIC 815 VG+ MB $30


168. Walter Gates — "I Remember Papa/That's My Boy" SWAN 4160 M- WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol MB $20


169. Walter Gates — "My Man/Rose Of Washington Square" SWAN 4180 VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO MB $10


170. The Gaylords — "Never Go Back To GA./Loose Beat" WAY OUT NO # VG+ WHITE LABEL PROMO with xol MB $10


171. Buddy Gibson And The Jesters — "Meet The Beat/To Be Or Not To Be" SPRY 118 M- MB $20

172. The Gigolo's — "Night Creature/Swingin' Saints" DAYNITE NO # M- MB $50


173. Jack Gilmer And The Playboys — "Malarkey/You Don't Know" G.M.R. 100 M- MB $20

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